Season 6 Episode 7: WHAT HE SAID PT. 4

Season 6 Episode 7: WHAT HE SAID PT. 4
HEY O, its Tell me Bout it TUESDAY! Welcome back to the podcast, and to the final installment of our series on the words of Christ: "WHAT HE SAID!" Today, we are studying our favorite words in red as recorded in the book of John (Jesus' fav disciple, according to...

Season 6 Episode 5: WHAT HE SAID PT. 2

Season 6 Episode 5: WHAT HE SAID PT. 2
Happy Tuesday, Chosen Girl followers and listeners! We are so glad and honored that you are here. Pull up a seat, grab your chick fil a or coffee, and lets dive into another episode in our mini-series: What He Said: learning the words spoken by Jesus!  Today, we are diving...

Season 6 Episode 3: DECONSTRUCTING

Season 6 Episode 3: DECONSTRUCTING
Hey Chosen fam! We are SO happy to be back for another episode with a hard-hitting, hot-button issue this time! DECONSTRUCTION!    If you are in the evangelical faith world at all, and especially if you are on social media outlets like TikTok, then  you've heard this word or stories...

Season 6, Episode 2: BIBLE 101 with Pastor Isaac Grey

Season 6, Episode 2: BIBLE 101 with Pastor Isaac Grey
Hi, friends! Happy Tell me bout it Tuesday! We are SO excited to talk about something that will help us ALL today...studying God's Word! How crucial it is for us to hear from God and get to know His character. There's no better way to do so that directly through His...

Season 6 Episode 1: IN A SLUMP

Season 6 Episode 1: IN A SLUMP
HEY CHOSEN GIRL FAM! Welcome back to the Podcast! We cannot believe we are in SEASON SIX and year 3 of doing Chosen Girl! We have SO loved and cherished this wild ride with you all, and thank you for including our walk and talk in your lives so we...

JAYDA RUST on your "WHY" in your passion!

JAYDA RUST on your "WHY" in your passion!
HEY O, Chosen Girl fam! We are SO excited to introduce you to our dear friend, ray of sunshine, and today's guest on the pod, JAYDA RUST! Jayda became friends with Liz through a Nashville small group and we are so blessed by her joy, wisdom and insight.  Aside for...

Season 5 Episode 15: Whitney R. Simpson on prayer, presence, and meditation

Season 5 Episode 15: Whitney R. Simpson on prayer, presence, and meditation
Helloooooo Chosen Girl family! We are always so overjoyed to introduce a friend in faith to you guys, and today is no exception! Meet our dear friend, author, and creator of Exploring Peace Ministries and Podcast, Whitney R. Simpson.  Today, we join Whitney in conversation about her personal testimony, and...

Season 5 Episode 14: RELATIONSHIPS Q & A

Season 5 Episode 14: RELATIONSHIPS Q & A
CHOSEN GIRL FAM, your most requested topic is live now on this week's episode! We usually incorporate a relationships themed episode into every season, but this season is sooooo special because its our very first time hearing and answering YOUR questions!    Remember, we are not therapists or counselors. We...

Season 5 Episode 13: Faith Civil War: Navigating discord with fellow believers

Season 5 Episode 13: Faith Civil War: Navigating discord with fellow believers
Hello, Chosen sisters (and brothers, too,  we see you!)! We are actually back on a TUESDAY for the first time in awhile. Thank yall for bearing with our scheduling conflicts. Truly #sidehustlingfortheLord. lol TODAY, we are having a real conversation about how to navigate discord with fellow believers; a "faith...