Season 5 Episode 15: Whitney R. Simpson on prayer, presence, and meditation

Helloooooo Chosen Girl family! We are always so overjoyed to introduce a friend in faith to you guys, and today is no exception! Meet our dear friend, author, and creator of Exploring Peace Ministries and Podcast, Whitney R. Simpson. 

Today, we join Whitney in conversation about her personal testimony, and the power of prayer, meditation, and being present. Its amazing what can happen in our lives when we decide to not "put God in a box."

You can find Whitney on socials (@whitrsimpson), her podcast by searching "Exploring Peace Meditations" wherever you listen, her book "Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit," and her website here

We are so thankful for Whitney and her word she brings us today, and know you will love her as much as we do! 
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