The Lenten Season

The Lenten Season
This Ash Wednesday, March 5, marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Growing up in the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination, this is something I have often observed, if nonetheless, been familiar with. As I have gotten older, though, and have cultivated relationships with others from different Christian traditions, I realize that...

The Christian Vote: Is There One? (Pt. 1) by Riley Young

The Christian Vote: Is There One? (Pt. 1) by Riley Young
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: said no one ever. Like taxes and death, the unavoidable political season in America has arrived, bringing division, hatred, and malice alongside it. As unenjoyable as it may be though, we as Christ- followers in America mustn’t simply ignore the chaos or...

Introducing... the GOOD GRACE CLUB BLOG

Introducing... the GOOD GRACE CLUB BLOG
Hello friends! Welcome to The Good Grace Club Blog! I couldn’t be happier with the new season we are stepping into, and right on time with fall! If you’ve listened to our first episode of this season, you know that I’ve had a major life change by moving out of...