Hey Chosen sisters! We cannot believe it, but we have made it to the last Tell me Bout it of 2019! What a BLESSED year it has been....we couldn't have done it without YOU!
If God has moved in your life through our weekly chats in any way, please drop us an email, comment, or message! We would LOVE to hear from you and of course, get more topics as we prepare for Season TWO starting February 2020! Our goal is to go to God's WORD for our everyday struggles...thats what its there for!
So, Merry Christmas from our Chosen Girl fam. Yall mean the world to us and we can't wait to take a different spin on the Christmas story in this week's episode.
Y'all can find this week's recording on our YouTube channel, or click here to stream our podcast directly from our site, or subscribe to our podcast here on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Play.
A Different look at the Christmas Story through Mary's perspective:
Excerpt from the Children's Storybook Bible
- "So Mary trusted God more than her eyes could see..."
- "Whatever God says, I will do."
- Mary didn't ask "if," she asks "how."
- You can ask a skeptical how, or an OPEN how, as in "where do I go from here, God?" ...that's Mary's attitude and it should be our's too!
As we approach the new year...dont limit what God can do! "Whatever God says, I will do!"
Ephesians 3:20
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Glory to God in the church!
Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!
Glory down all the generations!
Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!
Our God is a God of no limits. Are we saying yes?
- God is looking for someone to simply be willing, show up, and say YES.
- God is choosing ALL of us to work for His kingdom and glory...are we cultivating and preparing ourselves to be ready for the time of our purpose?
- Remember, if God has planted something in your life, you may not see the fruit or harvest right away! Be patient, sis!
- Remember that a seed is working and growing below the soil. Don't loose faith if you don't see or feel God working!
Self reflection to enter into 2020:
1) Do you believe this? Do you believe that God has a plan for you life? Do you believe that it is beyond what you could even ask? Do you believe that it is beyond your current circumstances?
- Abraham and Sarah were promised to be the father of MANY nations but didn't even see their promise come to be for YEARS. Over a decade! Don't loose faith in the wait!
- Both planting and harvest seasons are necessary. Dont give up!
2) Are we making room in our life for God to work and cultivate?
- Don't be too busy for what God is calling you to!
- We have to be INTENTIONAL
- open hands! open to receive...open to release.