Tell me 'bout it: CHOSEN

Welcome to Tell me 'bout it!


Each Tuesday we will launch a video blog, podcast, study notes, and more on a topic either voted on by YOU (check us out @chosengirlmovement) or something we feel God has placed on our hearts!  

We are here to find biblical insight from God's Word on everyday struggles and concerns, then dive in and spread the insight to YOU!  

For our first segment ever, we wanted to give you the load-down on what it truly means to be CHOSEN! 


Find the video series below, click here to stream our podcast directly from our site, or subscribe to our podcast here on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Play. We've also written show notes and linked scripture references, podcast recommendations, and other fun things below. 

Enjoy, and get ready to start your CHOSEN journey!


What does it mean to be CHOSEN?

  • Even though in this world we will have trouble, JESUS has overcome. John 16:33
  • We (Sarah and Hunter) found ourselves living in unnecessary small, everyday struggles because we were not choosing the way God had made for us! (example: dwelling in worry instead of praying, letting the enemy’s lies mold the view of ourselves, etc.) Our daily lives simply were not lining up with God’s promises and direction in His word.
  • Living CHOSEN is a CHOICE! God has given us FREE WILL to choose our lifestyle. Will we live in anxiety rather than worry? Insecurity rather than confidence? Fearful rather than victorious?
  • The journey only BEGINS at Salvation! WOW! Our relationship with God is a DAILY walk. Step by step.
  • GOD CHOOSES YOU! Just think about going purse shopping! (time mark 4:27). You are treasured and loved by HIM!
  • God is NOT afraid of your mess. He wants to make you BRAND NEW!
  • We live out our purpose one day at a time! No stress, no fear, just trust him!
  • God pays SUCH attention to detail! He created you uniquely for a special greater purpose and assignment.
  • There’s no use in worrying about tomorrow! Just take today.  Matthew 6:34
  • If life is a painting, everyday is a brushstroke. One stroke at a time! It will all come together in the end.

Just remember to DIP!

  • Daily Pursuit
  • Identity in Christ
  • Purpose in Him

God’s promises vs. our struggles

  • Loneliness: Being alone and being lonely are two completely different things. Loneliness is a feeling: no one sees, cares, or notices. BUT: Christ says we will NEVER be alone! He knows you, created you, and will be with you until the end of time.
  • Fear: 2 Timothy 1:7 We have not been given a spirit of FEAR! God tells us to not fear in His word continuously. God is not afraid of our fear. He has it more than handled.
  • Purpose: Do you ever wonder, “What is my purpose? What is my specialty?” This can get you down! You have to hand this over to God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. He has a purpose especially for YOU! When you are living in God’s will, you will be PEACE FILLED! God cannot bless anything that is not His, Are you living out YOUR purpose, or HIS purpose for you?
  • Anxiety/Worry: We are given such straight forward instruction: instead of worrying, PRAY! It seems so simple but so many times I am not proactive in praying and remain in worry. Then Philipians goes on to say (chapter 6 verse 7) that God’s peace will guard your heart when you pray! WOW! Its an intentional decision to pray and dwell on the GOOD.
  • Insecurity/Comparison: Ephesians 2 says we are Christ’s workmanship! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, so that means any condemnation is from ourselves, our world, or the enemy!
  • Approval: Who is your priority to please? God or man? Don't spread yourself so thin trying to please others that you don't please God! We are here for GOD, not ourselves. Test yourselves on your actions: are your actions self-serving or GOD-serving?

Guess what?!? All of these struggles listed, God provided a solution for in His word! He bought the solutions with the price of the cross! TAKE HEART!

Profound Statements: 

  • If someone bought you a car, would you refuse to drive it? God has bought victory for us! Take hold of the keys!
  • God did not call us to live a mediocre life! We are more than conquerors through HIM!
  • Do you want to be well? John Chapter 5
  • Are we bossing God with our burdens or handling them ourselves? Let Him carry those burdens! He can handle it much better than we can. Don't PIVOT, just give Him the couch!
  • Colossians 3:12-14 God has CHOSEN you for a new life!
  • You don't belong in your old clothes! God has given us a new wardrobe to wear!

 More on CHOSEN:  

  • Make sure to subscribe to our podcasts here:  Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Play.
  • ALSO we have SO enjoyed listening to Transformation Church's latest Podcast and Sermon series, "MARKED" by Pastor Mike Todd. He brings the HEAT! Find that goodness here.



1 comment

Deb young

Deb young

I think this is so amazing, so proud of you, and love the way you have gave God all the glory! Love reading all the scriptures and I love the name of the new website , thank you guys for all the hard work you have put in to this

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