Tell me bout it: Debit or Credit Faith?

Hey girl hey! Welcome back to another week of Chosen Girl Encouragement! 

This week's "tell me bout it" is all about a word we throw around all too often: FAITH. We are not only defining way but also going through what it looks like to actually live out faith. There is a HUGE difference in believing in God...and simply BELIEVING GOD. Do we really have the faith that 1) He is who He says He is. 2) He can do what He says He will do. 3) He WILL do what He says what He will do. Let's get to working out that faith muscle, ladies. Time is running out! 

Y'all can find this week's recording on our YouTube channel, or click here to stream our podcast directly from our site, or subscribe to our podcast here on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or Google Play.

What does faith in God look like vs. faith in yourself?

  • We screw up where God doesn't! 
  • Biblical Faith Defined: Hebrews 11
  • Having faith in GOD is taking one more step past HOPE, and thats taking ACTION in our faith... Putting weight on something.
  • Its so easy to put your faith in what you can physically see and physically put your weight on. BUT, faith isn't faith if you can see it. 
  • Its jumping when God says jump and not refusing to jump because of the circumstances around you...but because of the God who told you to jump!

What does it look like to have faith when everything isn't going the way you planned? 

  • Start with an attitude of gratitude! 
  • When you cant see the end in sight, remind yourself of WHO is in control. HE is the only one who can fix your situation. 

Whats the difference between CAN and WILL?

  • Do you believe that God CAN do it, or that He WILL do it? 
  • We limit God by limiting our prayers. Don't put God is a box! He wants you to put your full weight in Him. 
  • Remember that whatever He is good. Trust His ways, even if you don't understand right now! Its all about being in His will! 

Here's some high points you DON'T want to miss or forget:

  • If you don't have it, you can't spend it! 
  • Putting your FAITH in GOD is a fountain that will never run dry. 
  • Faith is just like a muscle...we have all been given muscle but their strength depends on how much you exercise it! 
  • Are we a church operating on demon level faith? Even the demons believe in who God is and what He is capable of! 
  • FAITH IS IRRELEVANT TO OUR CIRCUMSTANCES! Thats what faith is...believing in what you cant see!
  • I would rather have prayed and not get what I prayed for and trust that God's answer is best, than never to pray and not display faith. 
  • Don't have "passive aggressive" faith! Don't pray without belief behind it. There's no use in praying if there's not belief! 
  • Train your tongue to SPEAK LIFE! Be around others who speak life into you! 
  • Don't crack the door of your life for Satan to slip his foot right in! CLOSE THAT DOOR WITH FAITH SISTER!
  • Having faith on DEBIT means there is a SUPPLY behind the action. Thats having faith in GOD! 
  • Are you treating your faith like used gift card? "Hopefully this works?!"


More resources:

"Crazy faith" Sermon series by Mike Todd at Transformation Church

"Crazy faith" pt. 2 Sermon series by Mike Todd at Transformation Church




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